Kelsey Byers talks about audio processing issues and online courses

Kelsey says: “[If] your podcast has transcripts. So I can go through and actually read the podcast, I can get the content, I can understand what’s going on. And I don’t have to try to concentrate really hard to try to understand the podcast. ”

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Meagan Eller talks about autoimmune disorders, foggy memory, and the web

Meagan says: “Sometimes a disability or an impairment is temporary. It’s situational. Most of the time I don’t have issues. But when I do, I really have them. So try to keep things as simple and easy to use as possible.”

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Brennan Roy talks about multiple disabilities and how web use is impacted

Brennan says “people who create and teach and have disabilities actually use this stuff. We’re out in the world creating things while using the products that you’re making. It can’t just be the first layer of the system that you’re making meet bare level of accessibility.”

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Alex Marositz talks about screen reader use and the lack of progress of accessibility on the web

Alex says that “running into the same barriers every time a new platform or app is released is very frustrating. It’s realizing some of my students are struggling with the same kind of issues I was struggling with 30 years ago when I was a student.”

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Nick Colley speaks about ADHD and engagement patterns on the web

Nick Colley says “… in the analytics somewhere, there’s a dashboard, and it says when they released shorts, I really started to enjoy Instagram. But actually, if you came in, saw what the impact is, it’s like me miserably hooked to this dopamine loop of it is like, is really not enjoyable.”

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Alyssa Cheeseman talks about screen readers and false WCAG conformance claims

Alyssa says “sometimes accessibility is kind of still up in the air and a lot of corporate managers don’t really understand that until a big bug happens and you lose customers because of it”.

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