Looking for podcast participants

I am looking for disabled participants for the A11y Rules Soundbites series of shows. This is a series of short episodes (5 to 10 minutes) where disabled folks describe their impairment(s) and talk about the barriers they experience on the web.

Hearing about the barriers disabled people experience on the web, in their own words, is a really powerful message for folks building web sites and applications.

I hope you’re willing to come and chat for a few minutes about your experiences. I’m interested in having you on board even if you think one of my previous episode already covered something you want to say. Because the way you will explain your impairment and barriers you experience on the web is different from how other people have said it.

I ask the same three questions from all my guests. Sometimes we expand on something that you say. But it’s a relaxed process. It’s a conversation. Here are the questions I ask:

  1. What is your disability or impairment?
  2. What is the greated barrier you experience on the web?
  3. What message do you have for designers and developers?

I’d love to hear from you! I only need about 15 minutes of your time. You can ping me on Twitter or email me.

Note that my preferred setup is using Zencastr for ease of post production. But that platform is not accessible. As a fall back, I use Zoom.