
I’ve had the opportunity to chat about accessibility with many wonderful people. This page lists all the people who have appeared as a guest on the A11y Rules Podcast.


Aderinokun, Ire

Ire is a User Interface Designer & Front-End Developer based in Lagos, Nigeria.

View all episodes with Ire Aderinokun

Ausbun, Michael

Michael Ausbun is a blind accessibility specialist working in the tertiary education field.

View all episodes with Michael Ausbun

Averitt, CB

I am with Deque Systems. It's a pleasure to be here. I am a senior consultant with them. I do mostly work with dot-com clients. My client right now is a Fortune 50 company and I do a lot of volunteer work with trainings and things like that as well. It's a pleasure to be here.

View all episodes with CB Averitt


Bahram, Sina

Sina runs an accessibility firm called Prime Access Consulting. We do a lot of work with organizations especially in the cultural heritage sectors, like museums, and non-profits oriented around that space but also with start-ups and universities and larger companies on digital accessibility, whether that's web accessibility, iPhone apps, digital interactives that involve large touch interfaces in museums, and applying the principles of inclusive and universal design to that so those types of experiences and technologies are available to the widest possible audience.

View all episodes with Sina Bahram

Bailey, Eric

Eric is a designer who works for an agency in Massachussetts. He also writes about usability and accessibility for publications such as CSS-Tricks and Smashing Magazine.

View all episodes with Eric Bailey

Berry, Alli

Alli is the SEO and content lead for the Ascent by the Motley Fool. Her part of the business, they are a sub-brand of that, and they’re focused on creating free personal finance content, and her job is really to make sure our site is accessible … as accessible as possible for search engines, and to help our pages rank well, and to get our content to as many people as possible. And what’s fortunate about SEO is that often what is accessible for search engines is also what is accessible for humans so by approaching websites from an SEO perspective they’re at least on our way to helping make websites more accessible for humans too.

View all episodes with Alli Berry

Boudreau, Denis

I'm from Montreal, Canada. I work for Deque Systems. I've been working in Accessibility for about 17 years, doing mostly consulting, and training, and strategy with different clients, and that's about it.

View all episodes with Denis Boudreau

Brenon, Alex

Alex is a recent graduate of Smith College, a developer who works in blended learning and teaching

View all episodes with Alex Brenon

Brown, Dave

Dave Brown is a disabled radio show host. davebrownradio

View all episodes with Dave Brown

Burke, Patrick

Patrick Burke is a screen reader user. @PatTwit

View all episodes with Patrick Burke

Byers, Kelsey

Plant scientist. @plantpollinator

View all episodes with Kelsey Byers


Calvo, Mike

Chief Executive Officer at Pneuma Solutions

View all episodes with Mike Calvo

Carney, Amy

I’m a web designer and developer. I’m also an Alaskan and Kansan. Mum, wife and middle child.

View all episodes with Amy Carney

Cheeseman, Alyssa

Alyssa is a blind expert screen reader user and accessibility tester

View all episodes with Alyssa Cheeseman

Chua, Mel

Mel Chua is a Deaf tech worker who describes herself as a hacker. Her twitter is:

View all episodes with Mel Chua

Clark, Tori

Tori Clark has been immersed in the accessibility world for over 8 years, focusing on high contrast modes and text-to-speech as a native user of both. She currently works at Digital A11ies, an emerging nonprofit which aims to normalize web accessibility at a grassroots level. @cymbrygirl

View all episodes with Tori Clark

Coelho, Tony

Former House Majority Whip. Lifelong disability rights advocate. Epilepsy patient. Disability Council Chair and DNC Member. @HonTonyCoelho

View all episodes with Tony Coelho

Colley, Nick

Disabled access designer and developer working between disabled politics and accessibility. NickColley

View all episodes with Nick Colley


DeMars, Chris

Chris is a front-end developer and public speaker from Detroit, MI. He is a Google Developer Expert in web technologies and a Microsoft MVP in Developer Technologies. He works at Tuft & Needle

View all episodes with Chris DeMars

Devon, Joe

Founder of Diamond, and of the Global Accessibility Awareness Day. His mission is to make accessibility as ubiquitous in Software Development as Agile Methodology is. @joedevon

View all episodes with Joe Devon


Eggert, Eric

Eric is a W3C fellow and works at Knowbility. He also teaches accessibility at university. He tells us about his work and the redesign of the WAI site to make things easier to find and understand.

View all episodes with Eric Eggert

Eller, Meagan

Accessibility analyst, information architect, cosplayer, reader, gamer, wife, mom, so much more. @mmeller

View all episodes with Meagan Eller

Elliott, Courey

I am a software engineer at Lonely Planet and I do general engineering as well as I participate on our accessibility team.

View all episodes with Courey Elliott

Evans, Sam


View all episodes with Sam Evans


Feingold, Lainey

Lainey is a disability rights lawyer who has been helping blind people and organizations for the best part of 20 years. She stresses that the right to an accessible website is a civil right.

View all episodes with Lainey Feingold

Fenwick, Paul

Paul is a developer, public speaker, and game moder. @PJF

View all episodes with Paul Fenwick

Ferraioli, Julia

Hacker, Feminist, Knitter, involved in open source.

View all episodes with Julia Ferraioli

Feuling, Andy

One handed gamer! OneHandOnlyAndy

View all episodes with Andy Feuling

Finnegan, Shannon

An artist who has recently been doing work around web accessibility through a year-long residency that she's doing at an arts organization in Brooklyn, New York called Eye Beam. That’s an organization that kind of supports artists who are working around the intersection of art and technology.

View all episodes with Shannon Finnegan

Fisher, Carie

There are many sides of Carie Fisher, but me in particular, I work with Drupal specifically, and then accessibility. I've been making websites professionally since 2005. And just in the past few years, really gotten deeper into the world of accessibility and trying to spearhead that inside the Drupal community.

View all episodes with Carie Fisher

Fortin, Jillian

I am the development and communications director with Knowbility. I have a background in digital project management, interactive marketing, social media, all the fun stuff.

View all episodes with Jillian Fortin


Galanos, Ted

Ted Galanos provides accessibility and disability consulting. @tedgalanos

View all episodes with Ted Galanos

Gibbins, Jon

Jon Gibbins is a developer and designer who took the plunge into accessibility many years ago.

View all episodes with Jon Gibbins

Gibson, Becky

Becky is a self-confessed computer geek who has been a developer for a very long time. She has been working in accessibility around 2003. She is involved with the W3C and works for Knowbility

View all episodes with Becky Gibson

Gool, Nash Van

Nash is a developer. @vangool_it

View all episodes with Nash Van Gool

Gouveia, Arthur

I'm a front-end developer here at Shopify. I've recently started working here, and I say recently as in two years ago because it just feels like a short amount of time, given so many things that happen when you change country. I'm originally from Brazil. And yeah, I've been involved into accessibility really early on in my career here at Shopify, given that I found some space to do so. And been enjoying a lot making sure that not only I have this always in the back of my head, but also like educating some people here.

View all episodes with Arthur Gouveia

Gregory, Billy

I guess I wear a few hats. I've been known as the director of training for the Paciello Group. I am the co-organizer of A level YTO, which is a meetup group based out of Toronto. We do camps, meetups, and conferences. And I've also been called a lumberjack in my day. So yeah, pick a hat and I can wear that one.

View all episodes with Billy Gregory


Head, Val

Val Head, Design Evangelist of UX Innovation at Adobe, is a web animation expert and author with a talent for getting designers and developers alike excited about the power of animation. Val leads workshops at companies and conferences around the world to connect Adobe directly to the UX design community. Prior to joining Adobe, Val spent years as an independent UI animation consultant helping companies embrace UI animation as part of their design system and processes. She is the author of Designing Interface Animation, published by Rosenfeld Media, teaches CSS Animation on and curates the weekly UI Animation Newsletter. Earlier in her career, Val was the Design Director at Northmaple Studio and Interactive Design Director at Agency 1903. As a proud supporter of the web community, Val co-founded the Web Design Day conference and is a leader of Pittsburgh’s Girl Develop It Chapter.

View all episodes with Val Head

Hill, Barry

Barry is blind and passionate about web/mobile/tech a11y and usability. @blindbarry

View all episodes with Barry Hill

Hunt, Taylor

Taylor describes himself as a webspinner and lapsed artist. He also happen to have ADHD.

View all episodes with Taylor Hunt

Hussey, Kelly

Kelly is a disability rights advocate and a paralegal. @Kelll_belle

View all episodes with Kelly Hussey


Ivins, Jessica

I’m a faculty member at Center Centre, the UX design school here in Chattanooga, Tennesse in the US, and we offer a 2-year full-time program that offers you as a student to be an industry ready designer. So you attend school for 2 years. We model the work… school environment more like a work environment, so you’re in school Monday through Friday, 9-5. About two-thirds of your time is spent working on real-world projects.

View all episodes with Jessica Ivins


Jackson, Liz

I am a disability advocate. I’m somebody who found my way into disability right before my 30th birthday. So, I’ve been a disability advocate for going on 7 years now, and my advocacy has sort of caused me to fall into the design world. And, so, increasingly I’m also starting to see myself as, what I’ve been saying, as a design strategist.

View all episodes with Liz Jackson

Jarvis, Alicia

Alicia is the inclusive design practice lead within the RBC digital design team. A11yAlicia

View all episodes with Alicia Jarvis

Jessier, Myriam

SEO trainer with a flair for accessibility! @myriamjessier

View all episodes with Myriam Jessier

Jolly, Robert

Robert Jolly is an accessibility-focused product manager working for the U.S. government on GSA’s 10x Delivery Team. Robert was previously at Knowbility and was a member of the W3C’s Web Accessibility Initiative Education and Outreach Working Group.

View all episodes with Robert Jolly


Kalbag, Laura

Laura is a designer and front-end developer. She works as part of a tiny little two-person organization called Indie where they build technology for social justice. She is also the author of the book from a Book Apart called Accessibility For Everyone.

View all episodes with Laura Kalbag

Kim, Albert

Albert is an accessibility lead. @djkalbert

View all episodes with Albert Kim

King, Julieanne

Julieanne is an UX Researcher, Usability Engineer and Accessibility Advocate from Austin, Texas. She's a native Texan. She has many interests including a love for board games, swimming in the jewel Barton Springs, Zip-lining and helping make the world a more accessible and inclusive place.

View all episodes with Julieanne King

Kinney, Kris Anne

Kris Anne Kinney works as an accessibility specialist for Educational Testing Services, a company that is a leader in assessments.

View all episodes with Kris Anne Kinney

Kisel, Guy

Guy is a build engineer at Riot Games.

View all episodes with Guy Kisel

Knight, Jamie

An autistic developer and accessibility specialist at the BBC. Most people know me as Jamie and Lion, because I've got a four foot lion that goes everywhere with me. And I've been involved in the web and accessibility for about 15 years now.

View all episodes with Jamie Knight

Kouznetsova, Svetlana

Consultant, Author, Speaker: I help businesses make UX & accessibility 2nd nature for their products, media, events.

View all episodes with Svetlana Kouznetsova


Lembrée, Dennis

I work as a senior accessibility consultant at Deque Systems, about 3 and a half years now. Before that, I was at eBay and PayPal and I am pretty well known for a blog and a Twitter account called Web Axe and a web-based accessible Twitter app called Easy Chirp.

View all episodes with Dennis Lembrée

Lesh, Ben

Ben is a developer and podcaster. @BenLesh

View all episodes with Ben Lesh

Lewis, Emily

Emily is a coder that works in accessibility and universal design. She's also an author, writer, and editor. @emilylewis

View all episodes with Emily Lewis

Littman, Ian

Ian is a developer and conference organizer who happens to be very nearsighted and color blind.

View all episodes with Ian Littman

Luker, Jen

Jen Luker is an engineering manager with Formidable who specializes in accessibility auditing and just making the web better in general. She is an avid knitter. She likes to say that she knits and then she's a programmer. Other than that just a nerd like all the rest.

View all episodes with Jen Luker


Major, Kirsty

Kirsty is an online English teacher who specialises in business English for adults. In her spare time she runs Unseen Beauty, a beauty and lifestyle blog from the perspective of someone who is blind. Kirsty has two blogs, two podcasts, and she’s working on her second book.

View all episodes with Kirsty Major

Mar-Molinero, Kevin

Kevin is the Director of Experience technologies at Kin + Carta. @Kevmarmol_CT

View all episodes with Kevin Mar-Molinero

Marositz, Alex

Alex is a blind screen reader user, an accessibility specialist, and an assistive technology educator.

View all episodes with Alex Marositz

Mason, EJ

EJ Mason is an accessibility specialist with Pearson. He also happens to have Cerebral Palsy, is hard of hearing, and has undiagnosed ADHD

View all episodes with EJ Mason

May, Matt

Matt is Head of Inclusive Design at Adobe. @Mattmay

View all episodes with Matt May

Mazdur, Desi

Desi used to work as a programmer but due to his disability is no longer able to work. He is an avid user of Dragon Naturally Speaking, a speech recognition software.

View all episodes with Desi Mazdur

McDonnell, Adrienne

Adrienne is a self-taught developer and accessibility specialist who works at Elsevier

View all episodes with Adrienne McDonnell

McLeary, Iris

Iris is a senior software engineer at Mixpanel in San Francisco. She was the founding lead of Mixability, Mixpanel’s disability ERG, and went on to co-lead WeRQ, the LGBTQ+ ERG. She’s also a prolific knitter and lives in a San Francisco apartment with her husband, their cat, and a closet full of craft supplies.

View all episodes with Iris McLeary

McNamara, Lē Silveus

Lē Silveus McNamara is the Founder and CEO of Larunda Accessibility Solutions, offering talks, training, and consultancy on digital accessibility, neurodiversity, and their intersection, as well as the founder and Chairman of Supported Living, a non-profit organization committed to the creation of supported community living programs for neurodivergent adults.

View all episodes with Lē Silveus McNamara

McQuigge, Michelle

Michelle is "totally blind". She has been a reporter with the Canadian Press for the last 12 years. She is also a contributor to AMI Audio.

View all episodes with Michelle McQuigge

Meyer, Eric

Web standards, HTML/CSS, microformats, community, writing, speaking, signing guy. Husband, father, agnostic in principle, atheist in practice

View all episodes with Eric Meyer


Nic, Ruben

Ruben is a senior accessibility engineer who has low vision and ADHD. @RubensSandwich

View all episodes with Ruben Nic

Nolan, Dacey

Software Engineer at Trainual. @dacey_nolan

View all episodes with Dacey Nolan

Norman, Greg

Web consultant looking for projects to rescue.

View all episodes with Greg Norman

Norton, Bri

Bri is an Australian woman who has been involved with the internet for "quite a few years". She is the Director of Accessibility and Inclusivity at the Australian Digital Transformation Agency.

View all episodes with Bri Norton

Nourry, Olivier

Olivier est consultant d'accessibilité Web à son compte, en France.

View all episodes with Olivier Nourry


O'Mahony, Dan

I work for a charity called Child Vision. I’ve been there for 12 years and I work with accessible documents and creating visual accessible materials for kids who are blind and visually impaired throughout the country of Ireland. In my other life I kind of like to talk about web accessibility and basically assistive technology… things like that.

View all episodes with Dan O'Mahony


Paige, Katriel

Kit is a non-binary professional with chronic illnesses who works in digital accessibility as well as in tabletop gaming spaces. @kit_flowerstorm

View all episodes with Katriel Paige

Palmer, Mark

I'm an accessibility consultant with 11 years experience. I've worked in both consultancy, both as an employee, freelance. I currently work in a large public sector organization in Edinburgh, where I work in the user experience team. My main focus within that team is web accessibility.

View all episodes with Mark Palmer

Persing, Devon

Devon is an accessibility specialist and educator. She works at Shopify. @devonpersing.

View all episodes with Devon Persing

Pullan, Thane

Thane is a disabled businessman, designer, author, and programmer. @thanepullan

View all episodes with Thane Pullan


Raduenzel, Beth

Beth is an accessibility specialist and a UX interaction designer. She was part of an award winning team at United.

View all episodes with Beth Raduenzel

Rietveld, Rian

I'm from the Netherlands, so it's good evening for me. I am a WordPress developer and an accessibility consultant and I work for a WordPress agency. I'm also team leader of the accessibility team for WordPress. There, I do project management and I try to keep everybody happy and informed. If I'm not doing that, I'm working in my garden.

View all episodes with Rian Rietveld

Romo, Amberley

I'm a software developer based in Austin, Texas in the U.S. And I'm currently working on the Gatsby team. I touch a lot of different things, but I'm currently aligned with the learning team. @amber1ey

View all episodes with Amberley Romo

Roy, Brennan

Brennan Roy is an artist working in the overlaps of dance, circus, disability consulting, and mobility technology. They are interested in the ways individuals in these fields construct bodyminds, what influences them, and how to dream beyond. They have trained with companies including Full Radius Dance, Kaeja D’Dance and REAson D’Etre Dance Productions. Bren on Wheels

View all episodes with Brennan Roy

Rush, Sharron

Sharron is the executive director of a non-profit organization based in Austin Texas. It's called Knowbility, we spell it with a K. Knowbility has been advocating, teaching, and really tried to encourage people to care about accessibility since 1999

View all episodes with Sharron Rush


Sabev, Negoslav

Negsolav is a blind developer

View all episodes with Negoslav Sabev

Schmitt, Christopher

Christopher is a designer, developer, author, speaker, event organizer, and beginning the accessibility work. Find him on Twitter:

View all episodes with Christopher Schmitt

Schroeder, Holly

Insights & Empathy Researcher & UX Writer. Codergirl Mentor. Humanist. Community-builder. @314UXHolly

View all episodes with Holly Schroeder

Scott, Jason

Jason Scott works at the Internet Archive. Previously he worked at He does documentary films and announcements for the Internet Archive. He "basically try to get out there and talk about old stuff to people".

View all episodes with Jason Scott

Senger, Damien

Damien Senger is a designer and self-professed HTML/CSS lover who works at Castor EDC.

View all episodes with Damien Senger

Simmons, Josh

I am a longtime web developer, been coding professionally for maybe, going on two decades now. These days I do less development work and more outreach work, as I am on the Google Open Source Outreach Team and I also sit on the Open Source Initiative Board of Directors. A lot of what I do these days is about connecting with open source communities and supporting them, and less direct development.

View all episodes with Josh Simmons

Sims, Glenda

Glenda Sims is Deque's lead of Accessibility Methodology Practice and Quality. She has been doing digital accessibility since before 2000, and it's her passion. She used to say she was the self-appointed accessibility Godess!

View all episodes with Glenda Sims

Skeries, Andrea

I'm a huge lover of art and technology, and bringing the two together, as a front end web developer and designer. I'm being playing with HTML, since that first Bondi Blue iMac came out, using table layouts, and Angelfire for hosting. I've been learning about web accessibility for a little over 10 years. I was among the first group of people to become certified professional, and accessibility core competencies, or CPAC from the IAAP a couple of years ago.

View all episodes with Andrea Skeries

Sloïm, Elie

Elie is the CEO at Opquast, a French company working on the quality of the web. A chemical engineer by trade, he doesn't have formal traning in IT or on the internet. He started working on quality management in the oil industry and later in the wine industry. When the web arrived, he understood the web was going to be big. He started Opquast to examine web quality. They've been working on that for the last 20 years.

View all episodes with Elie Sloïm

Sorak, Jean Luc

JL is a software engineer with Holiday Extras in the United Kingdom. @JLSorak

View all episodes with Jean Luc Sorak

Spertus, Ellen

Ellen is a feminist computer science professor. She can be found on twitter at: @ellenspertus

View all episodes with Ellen Spertus

Staples, Margaret

Margaret is a developer evangelist at Twilio, who has been working hard at spreading the message about the importance of accessibility. A self-taught programmer, she says that the resources about accessibility are sometimes difficult to find, being scattered in many places.

View all episodes with Margaret Staples

Steenhout, Nic

Speaker, trainer, podcaster and consultant about accessibility, Nic is the host of the A11y Rules Podcast.

View all episodes with Nic Steenhout

Sutton, Marcy

Marcy is a developer advocate who works at Deque Systems. She spreads the word about accessibility testing.

View all episodes with Marcy Sutton


Tarnoff, Nat

I am a technical consultant with Level Access. I've been doing web development and accessibility for about 15 years now and my current client is also a Fortune 50 company. I'm spending a lot of time getting them up to speed to requirements. When I'm not doing anything accessibility-wise, I'm usually playing with synthesizers and records and trying to DJ a little bit.

View all episodes with Nat Tarnoff

Thompson, Cherry

Cherry Thompson is an accessibility and inclusion consultant who works in the game industry.

View all episodes with Cherry Thompson

Trask, Matt

Developer, cyclist, photographer, not necessarily in that order! @matthewtrask

View all episodes with Matt Trask

Tubbs, John

John Tubbs is an educator working for about thirty years in the area of high tech, digital education, online learning.

View all episodes with John Tubbs


Ueki, Makoto

I'm a Japanese web accessibility consultant. I've been participating in W3C accessibility guidelines working group. I was chair of Japanese National Standards working group for web accessibility. Plus, I'm a chairman of a web accessibility infrastructure committee in Japan.

View all episodes with Makoto Ueki

Umstead, Alex

Alex is an accessibility professional in Philadelphia. @MrA11yx

View all episodes with Alex Umstead


Vitan, Donna

Donna is a user experience interaction and visual designers committed to inclusive design. She's currently working on the TELUS design system for TELUS digital. @donnavitan

View all episodes with Donna Vitan


Walter, Stephanie

I’m a user experience designer currently based in Luxembourg. I’m super interested in a lot of things, especially mobile design and also a little bit of accessibility.

View all episodes with Stephanie Walter


Yarbrough, Justin

Blind. Accessibility advocate. Occasional writer. Lover of sports and travel. Nerds out over airplanes. FatElvis04

View all episodes with Justin Yarbrough


Zeldman, Jeffrey

A Book Apart. A List Apart. An Event Apart. The Big Web Show. Designing With Web Standards. studio.zeldman. Friend of the Japanese children.

View all episodes with Jeffrey Zeldman

Zhang, Jessie

View all episodes with Jessie Zhang


van Dulken, Diana

Diana is an Australian web developer with ADHD. BartholomewD

View all episodes with Diana van Dulken

van Gemert, Vasilis

I'm a lecturer at University of Applied Sciences in Amsterdam in The Netherlands where I teach the next generation of web developers and web designers about designing digital products. I'm focused on accessibility. I also do a study, a master's course at the university in Rotterdam in design research and my subject is accessibility.

View all episodes with Vasilis van Gemert