
The podcast

There is a lot of information about how to make the web accessible. There isn’t so much information about the people working to make the web accessible. Over the years that I’ve been involved with web accessibility, I have met a lot of very interesting people. I wanted to learn more about them, and meet new people involved in one way or another with web accessibility.

The A11y Rules Podcast is the result of this desire.

The Sound Bites

Hear it in their own words – people with disabilities talking about the barriers they encounter on the web.

The host

A developer in the mid-’90s, Nicolas Steenhout was approached by clients facing issues not yet part of the public consciousness. On the emerging web, accessibility hurdles were keeping people with disabilities from engaging with a technological revolution.

Confronted by this gap within the digital landscape, Nic began championing web accessibility. He transitioned into the non-profit sector where he collaborated with people with a wide variety of impairments and was introduced to new assistive technologies.

Twenty years on, Nic continues his accessibility work as an independent consultant for both the private and non-profit sectors. Having worked on three continents, he’s engaged with thousands of individuals with disabilities. Blogger, podcaster, public speaker, Nic offers real-world insight into everyday accessibility issues.

You can find Nic on his site incl.ca, on Twitter @vavroom, and on LinkedIn.